13 May 2014
FAT Case Study
Floating Arm Trebuchets allow for a large, linear drop of counterweight which results in efficient power. The weight drops straight down rather than on a curve like the traditional counterweight trebuchet. FAT style machines have been built with over 80% mechanical efficiency allowing for an extreme amount of power. I believe aside from being very to build in the amount of time we have this trebuchet is more mechanically efficient. This is the reason I would like to work on this project.
Case Study 1
- Many detailed pictures
- Specific ratios and projectiles used
- Video
- Explains results
- Vague instructions and materials used
- Vague dimensions
- Does not explain problems
Case Study 2
- Many detailed pictures
- Specific dimensions and projectile used
- Explains how it is made/works
- Explains the ratios, and the why the FAT is a BEAST (efficient)
- Doesn't explain problems